These Are 20 High Paying Jobs In Canada You Can Easily Do Without A Certificate

In a high-income country like Canada, there is a glimpse of hope for every individual irrespective of class and degree. Also, there are well-paid jobs you can do without a certificate in Canada. Hence, the path to a high-paying job doesn’t always run through the traditional corridors of education. With a focus on skills, experience, and determination, individuals can unlock lucrative opportunities across various industries.

As we navigate the diverse landscapes of employment in Canada, it becomes evident that success is not confined to a certificate but rather to the passion and expertise one brings to the table. So, whether you’re tech-savvy, entrepreneurial, skilled in trades, or passionate about healthcare, Canada has a place for you in its ever-expanding job market. Join us on this journey as we delve deeper into each of these avenues, showcasing how you can thrive and succeed without the need for a formal certificate.

In a dynamic job market like Canada’s, the pursuit of success doesn’t always follow the conventional paths. For those who prefer hands-on experience and skills over formal certificates, there are numerous high-paying opportunities waiting to be explored. In this interactive blog post, we’ll take you on a journey through 20 unique and well-compensated jobs in Canada that don’t demand a certificate. So, buckle up as we delve into each profession, shedding light on their remuneration and why they are attractive career options.

1. Web Developer

Remuneration: $60,000 – $100,000+

Dive into the world of coding and website development. As businesses digitize, skilled web developers are in high demand, and many companies prioritize skills over formal certificates.

2. Social Media Manager

Remuneration: $50,000 – $80,000+

Social media management is one of the jobs you can do without a certificate in Canada. SO, leverage your social media experience to manage online presence for businesses. Your creativity and strategic thinking can lead to a rewarding career without the need for a certificate.

3. Construction Manager

Remuneration: $80,000 – $120,000+

Oversee construction projects and ensure they are completed efficiently. Practical experience and leadership skills are valued more than formal certificates in this role.

4. Executive Assistant

Remuneration: $50,000 – $80,000+

The role is to support high-level executives in their day-to-day operations. Hence, strong organizational and communication skills can pave the way to a lucrative career.

5. Hairstylist

Remuneration: $32,000 – $64,000+

Turn bad hair days into good paydays! Hone your scissor skills and unleash your inner artist, because Canadians are willing to shell out big bucks for a head-turning ‘do. From runway-ready blowouts to trendy fades, the styles are endless, and the satisfaction of transforming lives with a perfect cut is priceless.

6. Fitness Trainer

Remuneration: $40,000 – $70,000+

Share your passion for fitness as a personal trainer. Certification is beneficial but not always mandatory, and your income can increase with experience and clientele.

7. Automotive Mechanic

Remuneration: $31,000 – $77,000+

Can you hear the symphony of a purring engine? Then maybe it’s time to ditch the headphones and grab some wrenches. Mechanics are the engine doctors of the road, keeping Canadians (and their cars) happy and humming. Diagnose the hiccups, fix the heartbreaks, and witness the gratitude (and tips) roll in as you bring cars back to life..

8. Freelance Writer

Remuneration: $40,000 – $80,000+

Transform your love for words into a career. Freelance writers with a knack for storytelling and research can secure well-paying gigs without certificates.

9. Electrician

Remuneration: $60,000 – $90,000

Start a career as an electrician. Vocational training and apprenticeships often weigh more than formal certificates, and the demand for skilled electricians is high. Hence, it is one of the most common jobs you can do without a certificate in Canada.

10. Real Estate Agent

Remuneration: $50,000 – $100,000

Navigate the property market and earn commissions as a real estate agent. Success in this field depends more on networking and market knowledge than formal education.

11. Bartender

Average salary range: $22,000 – $44,000

OK, those numbers might look paltry but you need to remember — that’s merely the average pay. Technically, it’s impossible to say how much a bartender earns, or even average it out, but if you’ve got a great personality, are a sympathetic listener, and can pour a stiff drink (which might require certification, depending on the employer), this could be ideal. But all the evening and night work could also make it a temporary thing — until something better comes along.

12. Landscape Architect

Average salary range: $48,000 – $89,000

Got a knack for turning dirt into paradise? Landscape architects are the Michelangelos of the outdoors, sculpting stunning landscapes that add beauty and value to any property. Get dirty, get creative, and get paid handsomely for it. Design oases of tranquility, craft green havens in concrete jungles, and witness the joy you bring to clients bloom alongside your bank account.

13. Sommelier

Average salary range: $30,000 – $69,000

A master sommelier is one of 10 jobs you can do without a certificate in Canada with surprising salaries. A sommelier works at upscale restaurants and is responsible for the wine collection, which means monitoring the state of the wine cellar and working with chefs to prepare the proper wine pairings. Depending on experience, a sommelier can work without certification and in some cases, travel is required to various vineyards to sample wine.

14. Welder

Average salary range: $37,000 – $76,000

A high school diploma and certification if the company calls for it. Jobs in this field at this level always seem to be in short supply, making welders one of the highest paying in-demand jobs in Canada, and they’re typically located in Western Canada or the Territories so if you’re not there, prepare to move.

15. Supply Chain Manager

Average salary range: $55,000 – $96,000

Be the mastermind behind the movement of goods! Supply chain managers are the invisible orchestrators, ensuring everything from bananas to bulldozers reach their destination. Plan, coordinate, and optimize the flow of goods, navigate transportation networks, and solve logistical puzzles that keep the wheels of commerce turning. It’s a demanding but dynamic career, offering a glimpse into the global machinery of trade and a salary that reflects your strategic prowess.

16. Transit Driver

Average salary range: $35,000 – $75,000

This is one of the jobs you can do without a certificate in Canada, but the requirements vary for different regions. However, typically, all one needs is a high school diploma, a non-probationary driver’s license that’s in good standing with no suspensions and meets all the standards for a Class “C” license. But, hey, at least you won’t have to tackle these commutes.

17. Realtor

Average salary range: $39,000 – $205,000

As with any job in sales, you need to be plucky as hell, but a lot can also depend on the housing market itself. Notwithstanding, to become a realtor, you simply need a high school diploma, a real estate training course and a license to sell but with millennials opting to live in expensive cities, you’ll be just fine.

18. Court Reporter

Average salary range: $46,000 – $84,000

You may not need a degree, but you may need a two-year court-reporting program, at one of two schools in Canada — one in Toronto, the other in Alberta. And the requirements are no joke: you need to be able to type at a speed of at least 225 words per minute with near-perfect accuracy. On a steno machine.

19. Executive Chef

Average salary range: $41,000 – $91,000

A chef can cook up a decent living, what with some kitchens only needing a high school education, but you need to be able to handle a lot of stress and long hours on your feet. However, you will likely need trade certifications as well as management training. Or you could always go into it part-time later in life as it’s one of the best jobs for retirees.

20. Air Traffic Controller

Average salary range: $52,000 – $134,000

A high school diploma, a basic radiotelephone operator’s license, completion of a NAV Canada training program and an air traffic controller’s license are what you need for this job. Additionally, it’s one of the most high-stress jobs out there, but the bonuses and brilliant benefits make it quite tempting.

Job Classification In Canada

There are a lot of Jobs you can do without a certificate in Canada. Now the question is are you ready to work? This is because, developed countries like this, get every individual sorted. Hence, no one should be left ideal. Furthermore, the job market is diverse and encompasses various job classes across different industries. These jobs are typically categorized into different classes based on skill levels, responsibilities, and qualifications.

The classification system helps in assessing eligibility for immigration, understanding labour market trends, and ensuring fair compensation. Soon, we will look at some common job classes in Canada as classified by the National Occupational Classification (NOC). The NOC is a comprehensive system for classifying and organizing occupations in Canada. Nonetheless, Jobs are grouped based on skill types and levels, with each occupation assigned a unique four-digit code. The NOC is a crucial tool for immigration processes, helping applicants and authorities understand the skill requirements for different jobs.

Skill Levels

  • Skill Level 0 (Management Occupations): Senior managerial roles with responsibilities for planning, directing, and overseeing operations.
  • Skill Level A (Professional Occupations): Jobs that generally require a degree from a university, such as doctors, engineers, and computer programmers.
  • Skill Level B (Technical Occupations and Skilled Trades): Occupations that usually require college education or apprenticeship training, including electricians, plumbers, and administrative assistants.
  • Skill Level C (Intermediate Occupations): Jobs that require skills obtained through secondary education or job-specific training, such as industrial butchers, long-haul truck drivers, and chefs.
  • Skill Level D (Labor Jobs): Occupations that involve routine tasks and usually require on-the-job training, such as cleaning staff, farmworkers, and fruit pickers.

It’s important to note that these job classes are part of a broader framework that helps individuals, employers, and government agencies navigate the Canadian labour market. The classification systems contribute to effective workforce planning, immigration policies, and skill development initiatives across the country.


Clearly, there are jobs you can do without a certificate in Canada. Also, the country’s job market has provided a landscape of opportunities for those who think outside the certificate box. So, if you have explored these 20 high-paying jobs, it’s undoubtedly true that success is not limited to formal education. Whether you’re interested in technology, construction, fitness, or writing, Canada welcomes your skills, professionalism and passion. Embrace the unconventional, break the mould, and discover a fulfilling and well-compensated career without the need for a certificate.